

by Murray Bodo, OFM
YouFra and SFO OLA - Sta. Ana Manila Local Fraternity Page
寫於 2011年9月23日 18:45 ·

1182  Francis is born in Assisi of Pietro Bernardone and Mona Pica; he is baptized John, but his father, returning from trip to France, nicknames him Francesco (“Frenchman”).

1193  Clare is born in Assisi to Favarone and Ortolana of the House of Offeduccio.

1198  The citizens of Assisi destroy the Rocca Maggiore, the fortress that above the city, a symbol of the Emperor’s presence.

1199-1200  Civil War in Assisi results in the establishment of the commune.

1202(November)  War between Assisi and Perugia. At the battle of Ponte San Giovanni, a town midway between the two warring towns, Francis is captured and taken as a prisoner to Perugia for one year.

1203-1204  Francis is freed and returns to Assisi. He is ill during the whole of the year 1204.

1205(Spring)  Francis decides to join the Papal Army in Apulia, south of Rome, which is under the command of Walter of Brienne. He leaves home and journeys only as far as neighboring Spoleto, where he is told in a dream to return to Assisi.

1205(Summer)  The final summer with his friends as “King of the Youth of Assisi”.

1205(Fall)  San Damiano crucifix instructs Francis, “Go and repair my house, which, as you see, is falling into ruin”. Francis takes some of his father’s cloth to Foligno and sells it. He gives the money to the priest of San Damiano, who refuses it. Beginning of conflict with his father.

1206(Spring)  Francis’ father takes him before the civil court for the return of his money. When Francis says he is no longer subject to the civil authorities because he is consecrated to God, his father takes him before Bishop Guido. There Francis renounces his patrimony in front of the bishop and assembled citizens and then leaves for Gubbio, where he nurses the lepers.

1206(Summer)  Francis returns to Assisi dressed as a hermit and begins to repair San Damiano.

1206(Summer) – 1208 (February)  Francis repairs San Damiano, the small chapel of St. Peter (which is no longer standing), and Portiuncula (St. Mary of the Angels).

1208(February 24)  At the Portiuncula, Francis hears the Gospel for the feast of St. Matthias and embraces Gospel poverty. He changes his leather belt for a rope cincture. He begins to preach.

1208(April 16)  Bernard of Quintavalle and Peter Catanii join Francis.

1208(April 23)  Giles of Assisi joins them.

1208(Summer)  Three new members join.

1208(Late)  The seven brothers go to Poggio Bustone and preach throughout the Rieti Valley. A new brother joins.

1209(Early)  The eight return to Portiuncula. Four more join them.

1209(Spring)  Francis writes a short Rule and leaves for Rome with his first eleven brothers. Pope Innocent III approves their way of life. They return and settle at Rivo Torto, on the plain below Assisi.

1210  A peasant and his donkey invade their shed at Rivo Torto, and the brothers leave and go to the Portiuncula.

1211  Francis plans to go to Syria, but high winds ruin his plans.

1212(March 18-19)  On the night after Palm Sunday, Francis receives Clare and her cousin Pacifica into the Order at the Portiuncula and locates them first at two Benedictine convents before Bishop Guido, several weeks later, gives the church of San Damiano as home to Clare and her companions (including her sister Agnes, who has since joined them).

1215(November)  Francis, in Rome for the Fourth Lateran Council, meets St. Dominic.

1216(July 16)  Pope Innocent III dies in Perugia. Two days later Honorius III is chosen to replace him.

1216(Summer)  In Perugia, Francis obtains from the Pope Honorius the Plenary Indulgences (sometimes called the Portiuncula Pardon) to commemorate the consecration of the Portiuncula.

1217(May 5)  At the General Chapter at the Portiuncula, the first missionary brothers are sent forth to cross the Alps and the Mediterranean.

1219(late June)  Francis leaves Ancona for Acre in Syria, where he stays only a few days before setting out for Damietta in Egypt.

1219(Autumn)  Francis meets the Sultan in Damietta and later visits the Holy Land.

1220  Francis returns to Italy and resigns as minister general. He chooses Peter Catanii to replace him.

1221(March 10)  Peter Catanii dies. Elias is designated vicar general.

1221(May 30)  General Chapter and First Rule.

1223  At Fonte Colombo, Francis composes the Second Rule, to be discussed in the General Chapter in June. Pope Honorius III approves it on November 29.

1223(December 24-25)  Christmas at Greccio. Beginning of the custom of the Christmas crib.

1224(August 15-September 29)  Francis goes to La Verna to prepare for the Feast of St. Michael, September 29. On September 14 or 15 he receives the stigmata.

1224(October and early November)  Francis returns to the Portiuncula.

1224-1225(December-February)  Riding a donkey, Francis undertakes a preaching tour through Umbria and the Marches.

1225(March-May)  His eyesight worsens; nearly blind, he spends some time at San Damiano. He composes the “Canticle of the Creatures”.

1225  Adds the verse to the “Canticle” on Pardon and Peace and a reconciliation takes place between the bishop and the mayor of Assisi. Francis leaves for Rieti.

1225  Francis is welcomed in Rieti by his friend Cardinal Ugolino, the future Pope Gregory IX, who recommends his eyes to be cauterized. Francis goes to Fonte Colombo for the cauterization, but it is delayed until Brother Elias arrives.

1225(September)  Another doctor treats Francis’ eyes.

1226(April)  Francis is in Siena for another eye treatment.

1226(May or June)  Francis is at La Celle in Cortona, where he dictates his testament. Returns to the Portiuncula.

1226(late August or early September)  His condition worsens, and returns to Assisi, where he resides at the bishop’s palace.

1226(September)  Francis senses his death is near and insists on returning to the Portiuncula.

1226(Saturday, October 3)  Francis dies at Portiuncula; he is buried the next day in San Giorgio in Assisi, where today the Basilica of St. Clare replaced the Church of San Giorgio.

1227  Cardinal Ugolino is elected Pope Gregory IX.

1228(July 16)  Gregory IX canonizes Francis of Assisi.

1230(May 25)  The body of St. Francis is transferred from San Giorgio to the new basilica constructed in his honor.

1253(August 11)  St. Clare dies at San Damiano and is buried in the Church of San Giorgio, where the body of Francis was first buried.

1255(August 12)  Pope Alexander IV canonizes St. Clare at Anagni.

1916  Francis was proclaimed Patron Saint of the Catholic Action by Pope Benedict XV.

1939   Francis was proclaimed Patron Saint of Italy with St. Catherine of Siena by Pope Pio XII.

1979  Francis was proclaimed Patron Saint of Ecology by Pope John Paul II.

picture by Amanda on Flickr.com(CC:by-nc-nd)